The new and modern recycling plant will meet future requirements for sustainable treatment works.
In addition to its function as a wastewater treatment plant, the plant in Kalmarsund will also treat water that can be used for irrigation and as process water. The plant will also be used to generate heat and electricity.
Due to the substances contained in the wastewater, concrete surfaces in sewage treatment plants must be planned and executed with particular care in order to ensure a long service life for the concrete structure. By being involved in the planning process at an early stage, MAX FRANK was able to develop special solutions that both simplify the construction process and ensure high-quality execution of the concrete structures.
In addition to the sealing with the coated Fradiflex® Premium metal waterstop, the controlled water-draining Zemdrain® formwork membrane was used, which ensures a void-free and extremely resistant concrete surface.
The shuttering elements made of Stremaform® with integrated Fradiflex® Premium metal waterstop presented a particular challenge. They were used to form the concave cut concreting sections. In addition to the special shape, the position and connections of the construction joint sealing had to be planned.
Treatment plant
Kalmar Vatten AB,
Max Frank Middle East FZE
M3-15, P. O. Box: 123601
Saif Zone, Sharjah
United Arab Emirates