Stremaform® for crack-induced joints creates a controlled crack, in a specific location, to prevent spontaneous cracking in concrete slabs.
The speedy Stremaform® system simplifies construction of day joints, deep slabs and expansion joints. The extent of its capabilities doesn’t end there. Stremaform® for crack-induced joints creates a controlled crack, in a specific location, to prevent spontaneous cracking in concrete slabs.
Slow, costly and labour-intensive construction methods are now a thing of the past. Special Stremaform® units, designed to prevent positive connections between concrete sections, create an induced crack at the desired location. The units can also include integrated water bars, cages, metal waterstops or shear force dowels.
Stremaform® enables the Contractor to pour a sequence of concrete pours, whilst incorporating crack-induced joints, ultimately reducing the construction period. As a permanent formwork, Stremaform® remains in situ – eliminating the need to strip the formwork.
Alleviating concrete stress?
Another problem solved by MAX FRANK.
Noviembre 2017
+34 91 826 51 00 - Ext. 212
Calle Agustín de Foxá 40
28036 Madrid
ES Spain