Pecavoid® ground heave solution & Egcobox® thermal breaks were supplied to this purpose-built, mixed-use development.
Mahatma Gandhi House is situated on Wembley Hill Road, near to Wembley Stadium, and comprises a purpose built, multi-storey residential dwelling, constructed of brick and glazed elevations around a steel concrete frame providing approximately 43,000ft² of office space.
The Wembley area has undergone significant redevelopment in recent years and is now one of the largest regeneration projects in the UK. Demolition of the existing office building and redevelopment of the site took place to provide 10 and 21 storey buildings from podium level with 1,546m² of floorspace and 139m² of flexible floorspace on the ground floor and 202 residential units above with car parking, communal and private amenity space, public realm improvements and landscaping - along with other associated areas.
"We chose your product mainly because we have a good and long relationship, we’ve been using you guys for numerous projects and you been quick and helpful with design, supplying materials on requested dates and reasonable prices".
Aidas Baranauskas - 4D Structures.
The development will provide new retail uses and public realm improvements to the area, with active frontages that are accessible from both Wembley Hill Road and South Way. The site is located within a cluster of existing and consented tall buildings and falls within the pe-rimeter of three areas identified in the Wembley Area Action Plan.
Residential building
Client: Peabody Developments Ltd.
Developer: London North Properties Ltd.
Delta Architects Ltd.
Malachy Walsh & Partners
Main Contractor: Formation Design & Build Ltd.
Groundworks/Frame Contractor: 4D Structures