In the harbour of Malmö, the Varvsstaden area has been newly developed for a couple of years now and has become very popular with its close proximity to the water and Malmö city. A preschool, school and sports hall are now under construction.
The construction at the location where Kockums was previously situated includes two buildings on five floors with an overall area of 10,500 m² and will accommodate 550 students. The schoolyard is a unique feature of the project as it is planned to be located on the roof of the school building. The construction began in August 2018 and is expected to be completed in 2020.
To achieve optimal protection against the ingress of water, MAX FRANK successfully delivered the Zemseal® sub-structure waterproofing system for this project.
Education facility
Malmö stad Stadsfastigheter
SYD ARK Konstruera
Byggmästar´n i Skåne AB